1.16.1 Circuit Part Combinatorial

  • Drag and drop parts on the part that you would like to change. You can add part alternatives to as many different parts in the project as desired. The "Translation Settings" dialog will pop up (Figure You can choose to translate your sequence according to codon usage or to a translation table or to keep the DNA as original (more details about the translation feature can be found in section 1.15). In the example below, the sequence is translated according to codon usage in E. coli.

    Figure The “Translation Settings” dialog.


  • A dropdown arrow will appear on the part. Click on it to see the dropdown menu showing all the different sequences (Figure The process is the same in the circular view. To view a summary of all combinations, click "Combinatorial Summary...".

    Figure The dropdown menu showing the different parts.


  • The "Combinatorial Summary - Parts" will appear (Figure It displays the different combinations, which can be selected. You can choose which part to view in the main view by selecting it and clicking "Set as Current". Get a pricing of your projects by clicking "Pricing". The statistics of your selection are shown at the bottom of the dialog. On exhaustive mode, the library consists of all the possible combinations, whereas in one step mutation mode, the library consists of all combinations whereby only one alternative is replaced each time.

    Figure The ”Combinatorial Summary - Parts”.
