Restriction Analysis
Details about this feature can be found in the main Genome Compiler user guide:
-See section 1.16 for Managing Restriction Sites.
-See section 1.17 for Virtual Digest.
In SnapGene you can manage the Restriction Enzymes through the “Enzyme” tab at the bottom of the screen (Figure or from the main menu by opening the “Enzymes” drop down menu (Figure In order to view digestion results you may go to “Tools” from the main menu and select the “Simulate Agarose Gel” to open the digestion simulation window (Figure
In Genome Compiler you can manage restriction enzymes through “Restriction Sites” dialog (Figure You can filter them for different criteria and save presets for further use. To open the “Restriction Sites” dialog, right click on the restriction enzyme in any of the views (Linear/Circular/Sequence) and select the “Restriction settings” from the drop down menu (Figure For more information on managing restriction sites please refer to section 1.16.
In Genome Compiler in order to perform a hypothetical digest on a sequence selection or on the whole project you should open the “Run Digest” dialog (Figure This dialog can be opened by clicking on “Digest” in the main tool bar (Figure or through opening the “Tools” drop down menu and choosing “Digest” (Figure Alternatively you can right click on project canvas or the project tab and select “Run Digest” (Figure For more information on handling the “Run Digest” dialog please refer to section 1.17.