1.19.7 Primer Summary Table

  • To view a summary table of all primers, click the primers "Summary table" icon in the Annotation Layers menu (Figure You can also access the summary table through the "View" drop down menu then "Summary Tables".

    Figure The primers "Summary table" icon in the Annotation Layers menu.

  • The primers summary table (Figure displays all the primers from the project, as well as their name, description, strand, GC content, melting temperature (calculated according to SantaLucia 1998), location, length, sequence, and any Primer Library it is saved in. Compilation errors appear as yellow triangles next to the edit icon.

    Figure The primers summary table.

  • In the Primer Summary Table you can:

    • Navigate to each primer in the DNA sequence by clicking on the Primer name.

    • Click "Export All" to export all of your primers or select certain primers by marking their checkbox and then clicking "Export selected".

    • Click the ”Edit” icon to edit a primer, or select a primer and click the "Remove from Project" button to delete it from the project.

    • Add primers to Primer Libraries by marking the primer's checkbox and then clicking "Select Library". The "Choose a library" dialog will then appear and you can select an existing Primer Library or create a new Primer Library to save your primer(s) to (Figure

    • Make a copy of a primer by selecting the primer and then clicking "Duplicate". This is useful if you are working on a shared project and the primer is saved in a Primer Library that you do not have "Read/Write" access to (see section 1.19.4 for more details).

    • Pair two primers (see section 1.19.5).

    • Get the pricing for primers by selecting them and clicking on the Shopping Cart icon.

    • Show "All Primers" will show paired and unpaired primers. Show "Paired Primers" only displays primer pairs.

    Figure Choose a Primer Library to save your primer in.

  • The Paired Primer Summary Table (Figure displays all the primer pairs from the project and the same criteria as before in addition to the PCR product size and the melting temperature difference.

    • Click the product size to see the PCR product of the primer pair.

    • You can unpair a primer pair by selecting it and clicking "Detach Pair".

    Figure Paired Primers Summary Table.