Details about this feature can be found in the main Genome Compiler user guide:

See section 1.9 for NCBI nucleotide search and import.

  • The NCBI nucleotide database search in vector NTI can be activated through clicking the Entrez Search button on the main toolbar (Figure which will open a new "Pubmed/Entrez Search" window. In this window, select NCBI nucleotide database from the Database dropdown list (Figure By entering your query under "Term" and clicking “Search” the search results will appear as links.

    Figure Reaching NCBI nucleotide database search in vector NTI from the main toolbar.


    Figure Choose NCBI nucleotide database and enter your query.


  • In Genome Compiler you can open an NCBI nucleotide database search tab by pressing the NCBI icon on the top right of the materials box (Figure You may start searching using NCBI by typing your query into the search bar and pressing the search button (Figure NCBI nucleotide database search results will appear in the current tab (Figure where you may open each result as well as filter by clicking the table fields and choosing the values you want to see (Figure Moreover, Genome Compiler offers a direct sequence import option by clicking “Import” at the left column of the requested sequence in the NCBI search table. This sequence will be directed to your library. For more information regarding the NCBI nucleotide search and import see section 1.9.

    Figure Opening the NCBI nucleotide database search in Genome Compiler .


    Figure Search in the NCBI nucleotide database using Genome Compiler .


    Figure NCBI nucleotide database search results in Genome Compiler.


    Figure Filtering NCBI nucleotide database search results in Genome Compiler
