3.1.16 Contig Assembly a.k.a Sequence Alignment

Details about this feature can be found in the main Genome Compiler user guide:

See section 1.24 for Sequence Alignment.

  • To open Contig Assembly in Vector NTI you should click on the ContigExpress button on the main toolbar (Figure ContigExpress uses CAP3 to drive the assembly process.

    Figure ContigExpress button on the main toolbar in Vector NTI.


  • Genome Compiler allows you to perform multiple pairwise sequence alignments, including alignments with chromatogram files. The sequence alignment algorithm used is ClustalW.

    Step 1 - Load Template Sequence.
    • In order to align sequences, it is first necessary to open the project in Genome Compiler which contains the template sequence.
    Step 2 - Opening the Alignment Settings Dialog.
    • You need to open the Alignment Settings Dialog (Figure in order to upload your alignment files. This Settings dialog can be accessed either from the menu bar, by selecting "Tools“-"QC Alignment“ (Figure or from the Annotation Layers menu at the bottom right panel of the opened project by selecting the "QC alignment" settings icon (Figure or by selecting the "Align" icon in the main toolbar (Figure

    Figure Alignment Settings Dialog in Genome Compiler.


    Figure Opening the Alignment Settings Dialog in Genome Compiler through the menu bar.


    Figure Opening the Alignment Settings Dialog in Genome Compiler through the Annotation Layers menu.


    Figure Opening the Alignment Settings Dialog in Genome Compiler through the "Align" icon in the main toolbar.


    Step 3 - Uploading Sequences to Align.
    • You can upload as many sequences to align as you like, whether they are in overlapping regions or on opposite ends of the sequence. You can either: Drag and drop a file from the Materials box or "Choose a file" (.AB1, .SCF, text, fasta/multisequence fasta, genebank) from your computer Or simply type/paste a raw DNA sequence, enter a name and select "Add“ (Figure The files will be added to the "Selected Sequences" list.
    • Notice that for viewing chromatographs you must upload the .AB1 files from the “QC Settings” dialog.

    • For further details regarding the sequence alignment please refer to section 1.24.